Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh, Day of Days!!

Yesterday I called my Dad to see how he was feeling; he was very excited! Evidently there is a clinical trial of a new treatment for those with emphysema that may help hi,! He will be going for pre-screening Monday to see if he is eligible. Pray for the best please!

I know from talking to his girlfriend he is not in good shape! She mentioned they went out to her doctor the other day and he had his O2 with him; he was so winded when they got there he ended up in a wheelchair because he did not have enough breath to walk. I am hoping this procedure is doable for him, but it is the first glimmer of hope we have seen for him. I will be cautiously optimistic until I hear back from him next week.

So, I get off the phone from my dad, and it rings again, it's Chris, my 19 year old who has been looking for a job suitable for his co-op program at Kettering University, and he's got a job! Wow! And not the one in Detroit which would have totally sucked because we would hardly ever see him, but close enough to town so he'll still be in the area 6 months of each year!

THEN, On the geek side, the phone rings again, and it's the X, she's met someone at work who does AT&T sales and she's telling be about fiber optic service being available in our area, so, I will be signing up today. For what I am paying now for my phone, Internet, and Satellite TV, I will get so much more over a fiber optic connection including HD TV which I do not have and would cost me an extra $20/month over what I will be paying.

I have not had a day this good since before the divorce! I think that's entirely too long to wait for such a day. I am still giddy this what happy feels like?? ;)

So, it was such a good day I was almost afraid to go out of the house this morning!


Charlie said...

I wish him and everyone else well coz trials can work both ways, but, they do offer hope.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris - Wow what great news. I do hope best for your father and great to know Chris will be close by. Won't be long before he may need to move for his career - yikes, did I need to remind you:)

It's a long story but I'm dealing with a lousy attorney who is defending his secretary who put off my calls for over two years regarding Mom's estate. She'll be dead three years in May and estate is still open. As soon as Colorado lots are FINALLY transferred I plan to send FEE WAIVER REQUEST for attorney's signature so heirs can split his undeserved $1200.00 fee. Hope it works. Sure could use that $300.00 to put gas in my car next week - he he he he he - oh yeah - not funny.

Hope all your news is good. Hugs, Bev

Blandishment Blog said...

Liz and Bev, thanks for your well wishes!

Bev - What an ordeal with your Mom's Estate! Let me know how it works out, and, ha! Gas in your tank indeed! What's regular going for by you, it's $3.50 right now

Anonymous said...

I just checked last evening and we're up to $3.45. It's been jumping fast. One lady told me she saw price jump of ten cents in a 20 minute time frame!!!! I'll bet I should have filled the tank instead of tiredly saying there's time in the morning:)

Blandishment Blog said...

Bev - Gas prices are out of hand! I have a Costco membership and one nice thing with them is they only post price changes once a day after lunch. If the price goes up in the evening I know I can stop there on the way to work in the morning. Plus they can be anywhere from 3 to 15 cents a gallon cheaper. I remember when gas was 80 cents a gallon......