Thursday, June 30, 2011

Picture Of The Day 06/30/11

Reflections on the conference room windows showing I'd rather be
outside in a gorgeous day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day Dad!

I'm really missing my dad a lot today.  Next month will be three years since he passed away.  For all of you with your dads (and moms for that matter) still with you don't make the mistakes I made.  Always thought there would be more time to talk, to ask questions, and learn more about him, and have him learn more about me.  Don't take your dad for granted, he won't be around forever!

For my dad, I'll just say thanks for being there, in good times, and in bad, and dad, I miss you so much, and I love you with all my heart!


Dad and I the last time I saw him in July 2007

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sometimes Life Hands You a Shi* Sandwich

I just feel bad for my daughter. Last month she was in a motorcycle accident and spent weeks, scabbed, sore, bruised and black and blue. She gets past that and this month has another accident. She was at the pool Wednesday and twisted her leg pretty bad. A trip to the ER with her boyfriend and her mom and they suspect cartilage damage, they want to immobile the leg to prevent further damage but it is too swollen, so they send her home on crutches and Vicodin for the extreme pain, and of course that makes her so nauseous she's vomiting. Watching her hobble back and forth with her crutches to the bathroom was really tugging at my heart strings. She goes and sees a specialist next week.

Because she has to keep the leg elevated the only way she is comfortable is in one of my recliners so she's been camped out in it since Wednesday night. I working from home this morning and she's fast asleep over on the other recliner, and I hope when she awakens today her stomach will have settled down and she will feel a little better. When I hear her cry it just cuts through me like a knife, all I want is for my three kids to be healthy and happy. They are good kids after all!

As to me, I'd probably sell my soul to the devil fora good nights sleep. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Picture Of The Day 06/15/05

AWESOME picture of the sun rising this morning! Click for a higher res version.