Monday, July 31, 2006

An exercise in Futility?

Well, it's been weeks since I've done a post. I guess I owe that to my new attitude on life. You all know how badly I have felt since the divorce, and how much of a workload I have here at the office, trouble paying bills, etc. Well, none of that has changed. I am still foolishly, hopelessly in love with the X wife, yet I realize she feels nothing for me. The job is incredibly busy and stressful beyond the telling of it! I have hardly any friends. And money, in particular any time I need something beyond paying the bills, the cost is ending up on plastic. The loss of my overtime this past March has totally impacted my lifestyle, we are talking about a 20% decrease in available income. Of course I am still working OT, just not getting paid for it. I just made my mortgage payment, I have about $200 for the next wo weeks, and one of those is a week with the kids who can easily use that much in food alone. I know others have it worse........but right now, as shallow as it may sound, I am concerned about me. Anyway, I'll get by. It's not all bad; I love my kids and time spent with them, I enjoy music, a good movie, and I enjoy the technical aspect of my job.

ANYWAY, the reason I have not been posting too much is I have just been rolling with this and have adopted a "Life sucks, embrace it" policy. While nothing has changed I am dealing with it better, and am refusing to let it bother me. I won't say I'm happy, but, I seem to have climbed out of the depression that I have lived with for the past two years and stayed away from it for several weeks now. I am just refusing to let things bother me as much as they have been. Whistling a happy tune as it were, facing life with a smile, and saying "Thank you sir may I have another!" as things go wrong. While I understand other people have lives too and are busy, if I get no comments from anyone, I wonder if anyone is even reading the blog. This begs the question, why bother?

AGAIN, ANYWAY.....Well, as I did get an IM today from one of the rare Internet pals who communicates with me, mentioning he had not seen any blog updates, I decided to do this post. If you read the blog, and are reading the posts, leave a comment here and I'll make an effort to post more frequently.

Take care, y'all!


Anonymous said...


Charlie said...

Yes! You've been slacking!

Blandishment Blog said...

OK, some folks are reading after all!

ANyone agree with my "Life Sucks, Embrace it!" mindset??

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, Your motto may be fitting not just for yourself but others as well. But I do believe you have a lot in your life that does not suck. So yes circumstances may make life appear as though it sucks, but you have your kids, health and all your friends here reading your blog. All that does not suck. Call me anytime your want.

Blandishment Blog said...

Ah yes, my health is OK, where my back ahces so bad some days I can barely get out of bed....and I have the kids part time.....the majority sucks though, that's all there is to it. I am happy for those who have good relationships though!

Sure it could be worse and I know other shave it worse.....but, right now I am being selfish and thinking of me me me.

Anyway, I do apprecaite the kind thoughts.