Since last Friday I've been exercising 10 minutes more each day and except for Saturday, since I went to see Ice Age 3 with the kids and had some popcorn, I've been eating less. A max of 750 calories a day. So, since the last two week weigh in I lost another 7 pounds for a total of 84 pounds lost since I started this Lifestyle Modification. I plan to eat my normal 1100 or so calories today and tomorrow, my 1500 max Sunday, and then next week since I have half days most of the week I will try and eat less. We'll see about the extra 10 minutes of exercise! Usually I burn 800 calories in a workout, that extra 10 minute push to get to 900 can be somewhat grueling, particularly after a full day at the office!
My blood pressure is the best it has been in a long time. 114/69.
The 140 pound weight loss target I set myself is certainly looking a bit more attainable today. I will be posting three recipes when I get a chance, the first is for a spicy-sweet mix of tri-color peppers and onions, the other two will be recipes incorporating these.
I'm thinking I may actually break my diet on September 7th, which is my birthday. I get a coupon each year for a free burger at Red Robin. I'm giving this serious consideration but it's a weighty issue, and I'll have to see where I am in another month. In spite of all I have lost, frankly, I'm still fat and need to keep going, but on the other hand, your birthday is a special day! Anyway, for now, I'll weight, and weight, and weight before making a final decision.
Once again I'd like to thank all of those who've sent words of encouragement and supported me during these past months, it is much appreciated.
My blood pressure is the best it has been in a long time. 114/69.
The 140 pound weight loss target I set myself is certainly looking a bit more attainable today. I will be posting three recipes when I get a chance, the first is for a spicy-sweet mix of tri-color peppers and onions, the other two will be recipes incorporating these.
I'm thinking I may actually break my diet on September 7th, which is my birthday. I get a coupon each year for a free burger at Red Robin. I'm giving this serious consideration but it's a weighty issue, and I'll have to see where I am in another month. In spite of all I have lost, frankly, I'm still fat and need to keep going, but on the other hand, your birthday is a special day! Anyway, for now, I'll weight, and weight, and weight before making a final decision.
Once again I'd like to thank all of those who've sent words of encouragement and supported me during these past months, it is much appreciated.
I am very proud of your efforts and your wonderful results, my friend!!!
Have an excellent weekend.
- David
"Less Chris to Like" is a good thing! Keep up the good work on the weight loss. As for the Red Robin event, I vote to go and enjoy -- after all, it _is_ your birthday -- but eat just half and 'doggie bag' the remainder. ...Maybe pull the second half apart and make some new meal from the hamburger (cut up into meatballs for pasta?) and add the "fixin's" to a salad?
David - As always thanks for your encouragement and support!
Barry, if I do Red Robin on my birthday, I will have to eat the whole burger there! I just won't get the fries refilled! We will weight and see, and see what my weight is the Friday before my birthday weekend!
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