Monday, January 15, 2007

Happily Never After

Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, the X called and invited me to go see Happily Never After with her, Scott, and Danielle. It was of course great to spend some additional time with them! The movie was OK, but not great. I did like the trailer I had seen, but evidently they used all the good (the only?) scenes to make the trailer, because I was expecting more. It would have been cheaper to wait for the rental, but both Scott and Danielle really liked it. So, for those with kids it's probably worth it from that point of view!

I was happy to hear that the voice of Cinderella was played by the Sarah Michelle Gellar former star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of my all-time favorite shows.


Unknown said...


I shall await the release on Netflix to see this movie. I would have done so regardless of your review, but I am encouraged to do so because of your review. Oh, well, I may as well be honest: I have not been to a movie theater in 5 years.

I hope all is well with your job, my friend!

Blandishment Blog said...

David - The kids DEMAND to be entertained at the movies in some cases; depending on the movie I sometimes say OK, though, in this case the X was taking them and I was invited to attend.

The big buzz here job wise is we are all hoping to be employeed over the sale is complete - thanks for your kind thoughts my friend!