Monday, April 28, 2008


Another quiet day.....the X phoned as I was getting ready for an e-bike ride reminding me I had promised to look at her lawn mower which won't start. I must have gotten up wrong (I had Tails napping on me and did not want to disturb her) because I twisted my back when I got up to answer her call. Fortunately the e-bike ride and some subsequent stretching exercises took care of it over the course of the day.

I told her I would be there in an hour or so after my e-bike session. I was pretty sure the spark plug on the mower was either shot or fouled, so, I managed to find my spark plug socket on the first look and headed over.

I removed the spark plug from the mower and it was fouled, so with some emery paper I got it cleaned up, reinstalled, and the mower running on the third pull of the rope.

I am sure Scott was thrilled that I fixed the lawn mower since he would have to cut the grass now!

I went inside to tell the X who was sitting on the floor trying to extricate Chris old baby blanket from the vacuum cleaner. She told me she and Scott had tried to pull it out. I sat down in a chair, and within a couple of minutes had it taken care of.

She invited me to dinner, and I headed home, picking up the ingredients for my side dish which would be Perogies in a sausage cheese sour cream sauce.

I went back there a few hours later and the five of us ate; the X had made a nice London broil, one of the kind that are packaged in a marinate, and it was very good.

I headed back home and spent some time cleaning up, playing FATE on the PC, and continuing my effort to watch all the recorded TV on the Dish Network PVR before I cancel the service Thursday after the Wednesday scheduled install of my AT&T U-Verse fiber optic service.

That's about it....a very uneventful weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I can certainly relate to your back pain. I suffered a good deal more than usual over the weekend. Thankfully, it is much better now, but I certainly know how it feels to suffer and yet continue with the day's activities. Ibuprofen usually works well and quickly, but last weekend it barely relieved the pain.

- David