Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Religion and Sorry for the Mistake

I grew up in a catholic home, a very religious home, where my mother had a large statue of the Virgin Mary on her dresser and she always had a votive candle burning in front of it. I went to church every Sunday growing up and attended catechism classes on Sundays after church. I used Rosary Beads and I walked the Stations of the Cross every year with my mother. We made crosses out of the Palm fronds passed out on Palm Sunday and I went to confession most weeks and received the sacrament most Sundays. I gave up something each year for lent (and actually did this year too, though that's another story!)

Due to an incident that happened shortly before my mothers death after a 10 year illness, I am not overly religious today. I have no issues, other than I wish I was a bit more so, with those who are.

I DO have issues with those who purport to be religious but in fact are not, evidenced by their actions in the real world. I snagged the following story off my friend David's web site. I don't know if it is true or not, but if it is, well, then it's a sad story. If it's not true, it's just plain ironic!

Sorry for the Mistake
A man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup. As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer.

The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station, where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk, where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk. Naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car."


Unknown said...


I rather doubt that the story is factual, but the point of the story is certainly a reality! There are altogether too many "religious" people who have no conceptualization of what it means to be a Christian! This is sad.

- David

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, its been pointed out quite a few times that as "catholics" you can do what you like all your life, long as on your death bead you say sorry.. I fear too many see religion as a way to blame someone else for life, and pass the buck on responsibility for the way life turns out..

Me Im not religious hugely, I was brought up church of england, same stuff pretty much, and I did the whole choir, bell ringing, confirmation, sunday school, mass and all that.. But as an adult, its for want of a better phrase, worn off, its worn off because religious holidays are more hallmark holidays, and I hear people giving "easter presents" now, rather than just an egg... and attitudes like the ones in the story.. OK, that story may not be entirely true, but, the little christian fish things on peoples cars are seriously common yet how come they dont drive like they are christian?? because I guess, deep down, they are "christian" because they go to church on sunday, much like many of us went to class at school, doesnt mean we remember it, use it, follow it or anything else.. we were just there..