Monday, March 23, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts which will continue for the foreseeable future. Scott is going through a tough time at school, involving a bad break up enforced by the girls parents who had the audacity to visit the X's house and make assorted threats if he did not stop seeing her. They've forbid her to even talk to him at school.

Needless to say Scott has been hit hard by this, I had to take him to the Doctor's today because he was having chest pains and trouble breathing. largely anxiety they said...he is miserable and it pains me no end for him to grow up and gain maturity in this manner. He's such a good kid and does not deserve this BS!

anyway there won't be any additional posts until we get this situation stabilized. I'm off to bed for some needed sleep.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Chris. How traumatic for your dear son. The girls parents are, well, I can't say here what I'd like. @#$*#&%^ will have to do. I will be thinking of you all. Take care of you and yours and post when you can. Hugs from PA

Blandishment Blog said...

Bev- Thanks mch; Scott is home from school today and I am working from home I am so worried about him, and I feel really crappy about this...sigh!

Unknown said...


My prayers are with you and your family, my friend.

- David

Blandishment Blog said...

David - Thank you my friend

My head feels as if it is about to explode......sigh! I am very worried about my boy.

Blandishment Blog said...

Steve - Thanks for the e-mail and I hope things improve for you too my friend.

Anonymous said...

A sad event for Scott and of course you. Usually such strong forbiddings exponentially increase the desire, which just makes things worse. :(