As predicted the temperature is in the low 40's today! The great melt of 2008 is underway! I've been working on drafts of posts all week, so, with this post note there are seven new posts added today containing 10 pictures that cover after Christmas through this weekend.
I have been feeling poorly the past few days, thought yesterday I might be coming down with the flu leaving work at lunch time because I felt so bad.
Thankfully today I feel somewhat better but am still feeling sick. It's rare times like this when I do not have the kids I am thankful they are not here; I'd be hard pressed to care for them and would have been reduced to ordering dinner last night and tonight. I have been surviving on instant Ramen noodle soup these past couple of days with a slice of Velveeta mixed in for a dash of protein. It really adds a nice flavor to the chicken variety!
So, today Tails and I have been taking it easy, watching TV, playing (she insists I play with her feeling sick or not!), napping, and for me working on e-mail and blog posts.
I have been feeling poorly the past few days, thought yesterday I might be coming down with the flu leaving work at lunch time because I felt so bad.
Thankfully today I feel somewhat better but am still feeling sick. It's rare times like this when I do not have the kids I am thankful they are not here; I'd be hard pressed to care for them and would have been reduced to ordering dinner last night and tonight. I have been surviving on instant Ramen noodle soup these past couple of days with a slice of Velveeta mixed in for a dash of protein. It really adds a nice flavor to the chicken variety!
So, today Tails and I have been taking it easy, watching TV, playing (she insists I play with her feeling sick or not!), napping, and for me working on e-mail and blog posts.

Tails and I enjoying a nap; as we were alone
today I must wonder who took the picture!
today I must wonder who took the picture!
Hi Chris - You have quite a companion and mystery photographer. I think Tails set up the camera:) - Bev
Hi Bev!
Yes, that would explain it, she opened the drawer where the camera is, dragged it over to the other side of the couch, set the zoom lens and timer, and then jumped back on me without waking me and pretended to be sleeping!!
Yes!!! It makes Purrfect sense!!!!
Thanks for clearing up this mystery for me! Scooby and the gang could not have done better!
That is an excellent photograph!
I hope and pray you are soon fully recovered.
The power was out throughout the downtown area from Friday morning around 7:30 AM until late Saturday evening. I was forced to work from my recliner at home, with my laptop and a quantity of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale. I survived.
Today, it is bright and sunny and warm. More rain is predicted, but nothing like we had Friday!
- David
David - SO sorry to hear about your adverse working conditions; I am home sick agian today, but hope to be up to returning to work tomorrow.
Tails has been keeping me company all weekend.
It is SIXTY degrees outside now. By tomorrow night they are expecting temps int he 30's with a snow storm predicted for Thursday evening! Sick or not I think I will attempt a short walk later today!
I did manage to go out int he garage earlier and assemble my roof rake; I hope to minimze the amount of ice that forms by the front door and garage of the house by7 removing some of the snow from the lower parts of the roof where it dams up and always melts and refreezes; we shall see how this works this week if the storm warning holds true.
SIXY!!!! I Just can't believe it!
You can always rely in a pet to help you be part of a cute photo
It was beautiful here yesterday. Today, however, it is windy, cold, and WET!
- David
It hit 63 ysterday I could not believe it. I had to take some trash out around 11PM last night it was so mild I ended up walking a couple of was surrealistic having no coat on here in January!
The heat has not run since Sunday morning. Today the outside temp is only 56 which is way above normal for this time of year and it too is raining here.
Liz, Tails does not think she is a pet, I fear she believes she is my master!
tHis is TaiLs, I own Chris In casE therE wuz aNy douBt!
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