Sunday, May 25, 2008

Scott Update

After three visits Scott has been showing some small measurable improvement via the computers the chiropractor uses for adjustment, and his headaches are a bit less. He says he's a bit less dizzy though he is not walking any better yet.

The three doctors at the Chiropractor's office are recommending 70 visits for adjustments as follows:

3 visits a week for four months
1 visit a week for 2 months
2 visits a month for 7 months

My health plan only pays for 12 visits in a calendar year and only covers 50% of the $50 fee. However you can't put a cost on this if it helps Scott.

In addition, over the duration of the adjustment visits Scott also needs 70 trigger point massage sessions. Scott, his mom, and I will be taking classes in June to learn how to do this part of his therapy. This will save us over $500. Even with this there is still going be quite a bit of out of pocket costs because this trigger point massage is an extra cost each time so the 58 adjustment payments will still have to be taken care of.

I may need some additional visits to my chiropractor for my back; the wheelchair is not light and getting it in and out of the small trunk of the Mustang is a chore. I doubt I will exceed my 12 visits at least!

The Chiropractor will be re-evaluating Scott every 12 visits. Scott's mood fluctuates between OK and very sad. Mood wise, I guess the same can be said for his mom and I too. This is a very rough time for us, the stress is affecting us all and it's causing my blood sugar to be higher...I'm probably going to have to go back to the doctor if I don't get that under control via stress management and some additional time on the exercise bike. I think the last time I was this down was right after the divorce.....sigh.

Since Scott is pretty secure in his wheelchair and is going stir crazy, he has asked since there are only three weeks of school left for the year that he return to school possibly after Memorial day. Since the school has agreed we have agreed so long as he feels up to it; he tires very quickly these days. His mom or I must drive him both ways since he can't take his wheelchair on the school bus. This means the days I have to take him I have to leave work an hour early to pick him up him or arrive an hour late if dropping him off. I figure I'll make this time up working from home and working through lunch most days. His mom pretty much sets her own schedule though it will impact some of her appointments and time she is supposed to be in the showroom.

The chiropractor is past his school so Scott's appointments will be scheduled for a half hour after he is picked up.

We're still looking into other possibilities for Scott's issues. I've been researching a number of conditions people have told me about. Another ping in the pocketbook; after finding out that the psychiatrist that the hospital recommended for him is out of plan and would cost us about $200/visit we have asked to be referred in plan. Considering how upset Scott gets at times over his issues now, and considering that the hospital is not going to take his problem as something other than psychological without these session, we figure it can't hurt, particularly if Scott is not walking better by the end of his first month's treatment at the chiropractor.

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