Monday, February 11, 2008

The Weekend

Other than the weather not much to talk about Saturday and Sunday. I did arise early Saturday and had a thrilling morning riding the exercise bike, doing the monthly change of Tails litter box (she has scoopable litter), snow blowing outside, and getting cleaned up.

The day was gray and cold and we holed up indoors, Scotti had Taylor and Ben come over to play and do voice recording for one of his flash projects. I made Pesto (Dreamfield) pasta with chicken grilled in garlic and olive oil while Scott had the chicken and some pasta with sauce from a jar.

We watched TV and played games not wishing to venture outside!

It was around 30 degrees when we went to bed, The wind began howling fearsomely around 11PM tot he point where I was up most of the night listening to it and the house shuddering and shaking. I snatched bits of sleep! By morning the snow had been blown all over the place and the drive has drifts of several feet. Since they were on the side of the second garage bay I left them there!

Sunday morning the outside temperature said 4 degrees, and it was still windy to the point that it looked like white conditions from the blowing snow, but it was not snowing at all. At 10AM I headed over the bridge to Supercuts for a haircut, this trip usual;y takes a minute, it took almost 1`0 because the roads were like oiled glass.

The girl greeted me there and asked if I was nuts coming in for a haircut, I wondered if she was nuts working! On the way out another guys came walking in and I glanced over at the girl who gave me a "don't say anything!" look. I continued on my way and decided to go to Forest Hills Foods where I picked up breakfast pastries for Scott and Danielle and a few items I needed for dinner.

Arriving home without incident, though I had to time my exit at Forest Hills Foods to make the light so the car could roll through the inclined intersection, I vowed not to take the car out of the garage until work Monday morning.

I put the ingredients for Chicken Soup into the crock pot and let it do its thing, adding some Dreamfield pasta an hour before we ate. My first use of the crock pot was a success; we all loved the chicken soup!


Unknown said...

Chris said, "The girl greeted me there and asked if I was nuts coming in for a haircut, I wondered if she was nuts working!"

HA! That started my day with a chortle, my friend!

- David

Blandishment Blog said...

David - She agreed, as she was cutting my hair, that she was as crazy as I for venturing out into the storm!

I am pleased to have caused you mirth, my friend!