Sunday, December 21, 2008

Friday Part II

Since Scott had to go to work Friday at 6:30 the driveway had to be cleared. Again the weather forecast impressed me with it's accuracy (or blind luck!) as shortly after 1 PM the snow stopped.

We had been snug and warn inside and spending the majority of the day watching TV specials and playing video games. At 4 PM I gave Scott my Xbox 360 and he took my place int he game Danielle and I were playing, and I headed out.

There was a foot of snow on the ground. And as this snow was so very fine, it was very heavy! I started up the snow blower and began easing through it. I have a good 5 horsepower machine but even on the lowest forward speed setting it was having some trouble. I took it slow and easy. My next door neighbor has one of those snow thrower machines, and he did my sidewalk up to my driveway, I thanked him, though I could have done the job quicker with my machine it was a nice gesture! If I beat him out there today I shall do the front walk on his house!

One of my neighbors across the street always shovels his snow. Today he accepted defeat and came over to borrow my unit to finish clearing his property, particularly the bottom of his driveway! You can just see my snow blower on the left side of this (size greatly reduced) panoramic show I made looking from the bottom of my driveway towards the cross street.

I worked on clearing the snow off of Scott's heavily encrusted car (see picture below) so he would not have to before departing for work.

Scott left for work and Danielle and I gamed for awhile before watching TV. A bit later I headed to China Garden to pickup some takeout food for Danielle and I. The rest of the evening, even after Scott's arrival home, consisted of more of the same; TV and Video Games. We all had an early bed time of 11:30 PM.


Unknown said...


The panorama is excellent, and it certainly makes me feel relatively warm--knowing that your weather is so much colder than mine! It is 41 at the moment and projected to be 52 this afternoon. Had I not seen your panorama, I would have thought this is cold weather. By comparison with your weather, however, this is a heat wave!

- David

Blandishment Blog said...

David - While I imagine the full size panorama I mailed you yesterday's much better than what I blogged for space reasons, it can't compare to the shots your gear can do. It is however suitable for my needs and budget.

Yes, your weather seems very warm to me, looking at the weather station display of my digital clock on the living room wall it is reporting the exterior temperature is a balmy 8.7 degrees!