My bother asked me for a picture of my Son's POS car which was purchased with over 200K miles and leaks oil. I had mentioned to the X (who arranged the purchase of the vehicle through one of her friends who owned it) I thought it was a bad move. She disagreed. Subconsciously though perhaps she did agree because a week or so later, while driving the same friend's SUV out of her garage, she backed into my sons car and 'customized' the fender as shown in the picture. Talk about Karma, huh?? OK, in all fairness I must mention that about a year ago I was backing the mustang out of her driveway and her mom was on the hill below my field of vision getting out of their car, and I backed into her! At least the car did not need stitches! (And I do still feel bad about that incident with the X's Mom and once again state that it was an accident! :)
Dont you guys make your cars out of metal??
My Mustang is made of metal.....can't say much for my son's POS car!
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