This picture of my little girl Danielle reading to some of her stuffed animal collection always tugs at my heart strings! Notice she has them covered with the bed clothes so they stay warm, and they are rapt with attention listening to her read to them!

Any self respecting girl and her fluffies would do the same!
In our house all fluffies must be the right way up and be able to see things, out the window, the tv, out the door of the room, etc :)
My mother apparently taught her fluffies as a form of revision.. Me? I just talk to mine :) Quick glance round this room.. sees 22 fluffies who help me keep my cool when my computers get me mad. Plus of course 2 real dogs who sit on my feet and nose my elbows to make sure I die at every mob Im trying to fight in eq/wow.
I also enjoyed stuffed animals as a child, and indeed one of my most treasured possessions is a stuffed kitty my little girl gave to me.
WHen I have a bad day I boot up a good FPS and take out my frustrations on the computer players....if its been a really bad day, kitty sits in my lap and roots me on!
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