Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ramdom Ramblings Resume

My mom, rest her soul, often used the phrase "Running around like a chicken with its head cut off!" I miss my mom! She's been gone now 18 years. She died on the evening of my first wedding anniversary. The textbook perfect first anniversary evening, which was later marred for years, for me anyway, though I tried to not let it affect me my thoughts were drawn back to my mom, who the X never knew well because when she came on the picture my mom had already been very sick for a few years......

Anyway...that phrase perfectly describes the day of work today. To suffice it was an incredibly busy day, with barely the time to get a soda from the machine, and yet I feel little was accomplished. I sent my boss an e-mail asking if he had days like that. All too often, it seems he does!

And the workday fun is far from done! I've already spent well over two hours on work from home, save a quick dinner break with the kids. I have them over night because the X had to go to some training seminar out of state. Good for me as I get an extra overnighter with the kids, some I get far too few of, in my humble opinion, during the school year.

When Scott arrived at 3:30PM he wanted to immediately head out to pick up a video game, I told him we had to wait until 4:30 when his sister got out since I would have to take them out anyway for dinner. He was impatient but OK about it once I explained my rationale about not wanting to burn extra gas at 2.69 a gallon!

We hit Bennigan's for dinner, stopped for kid snacks (snack for the kids not snacks made OF kids!) and now all three kids are downstairs playing or watching the game Scott got. That gave me time to do MORE work e-mail and make a quick post to the blog!

The temps today are in the 50's, for here, that is warm! I also talked to my brother in New Jersey a few minutes ago. He is having as much fun at his job as I am at mine! Sigh! I have it up on him though, at least at my job I am not treated like a second class citizen! I was worried calling him though. His message sounded so monotone and down that I feared perhaps my Dad, whose health has not been good for many years, was in the hospital...or worse! Seems he was just overtired and hoarse. His band played their annual charity gig today at the hospital where his wife works. They went over incredibly well, with much applause and accolades. SO I was glad to hear that and relieved nothing was wrong!

I can't wait until mid-summer when they are supposed to come out and stay with us for a week!! Yay!

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